Monday, May 08, 2006

Honoring Mothers or Mentors

Suggested Menu
For the honor of
Mothers or Mentors

Chicken in Oven
Pink Fluff Salad
Broccoli Corn
Blossom Rolls
Strawberry Pie

Tip: This menu can be used anytime to honor a mother or mentor. Decorate the table with her favorite flowers. Encase pictures in plastic and scatter around for guests to reminisce during the meal. For a food gift basket make a breadbasket of woven dough and fill with her favorite homemade candies and cookies. Make ahead of time and keep in an airtight food storage container until mealtime.
Food for Thought:
Honor your father and mother that you may have a long, good life in the land that the Lord will give you. Exodus 20:12

Family Meal Planning
Eating Well for Wellness
Things Mother taught you…
Jesus taught the Christians and Jews in the Bible to respect and honor their mothers. God told the Children of Israel that their days would be long and good if they honored their parents. Famous leaders like George Washington have attributed their successes to their mothers. As we consider eating well for wellness, we recognize that our mothers were influential in our health today. Many diseases and health conditions are inherited from the mother. The health condition of the mother before a baby is born affects the adult body. For example, the amount of calcium that the mother had before you were born may affect the condition of your teeth and bones today. The amount of vitamins in her body may be affecting your nerves today. Some mothers had rules or suggestions about your eating. She may have said, “Chew your food slowly-at least 25 times.” Studies have shown that the more the food is broken down in the mouth, the better it is absorbed into the blood stream and taken to where it is needed. A mother may have said, “Breathe deeply.” It has been proven that the body needs to re-supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the cells. The deeper the breathing, the better this process works. Also breathing deeply causes the body to relax. Less tension means less water retention in the body. Mother may have said, “Take time to pray and read your Bible everyday.” Prayer and mediation helps the body to unwind. This aids the metabolic process. Digestion of food and absorption of vital nutrients are more effectively released in a calm atmosphere. When mother said, “Run out and play”, she was promoting exercise that is needed for the body to maintain proper balance between food consumption and burned energy. She may have caused you to laugh at yourself when things seem to be the end of the world. Laughter is said to be good for the soul as well as digestion. In conclusion, modern meal planners should encourage their family members to chew food well, exercise, breath deeply, pray, mediate and laugh for a healthy and wholesome body.

Poultry is an excellent source of protein. Chicken is just one of the many poultry products available in the food market. It may be grilled, baked, stewed or fried. Chicken should be cooked well done before serving. The traditional southern style of chicken is fried. In the South fried chicken has long been associated with Sunday dinners and jokes about preachers. Often Mother’s favorite dish for a sick child is chicken soup. Studies now show that the broth in chicken causes a soothing affect that allows the body to rest and regenerate. It also may release endorphins that aid in the fighting of the virus or bacteria. Chicken is used in casseroles, salads, baked whole or in pieces and in the summer is frequently grilled. Chicken may be purchased fresh or frozen. If chicken is on sale, meal planners may purchase large quantities and freeze up to a year before use. Be sure to rewrap well to prevent freezer burn. Chicken is easily spoiled and also leaves residue on cutting boards that may cause problems. After cutting chicken, be sure to clean the surface and knife well with an antibacterial cleaner. Sponges that are used in the clean-up process should be placed in the dishwasher. Fresh chicken should be used within two days to prevent growth of bacteria. Fresh chicken with an odor or spots should be avoided. Family meal planners should serve chicken at least once a week.
From the Nutritionist: In this menu chicken pieces may be rolled in cracker crumbs or corn flakes and baked. The pink salad may be cottage cheese and red apple rings or gelatin base with yogurt and apples on a lettuce bed. The broccoli, corn, salad and dessert provide Vitamins A and C. If cottage cheese, yogurt or whipped cream topping is served, calcium is supplied. To make blossom rolls, use an angel food pan, circle the bottom of the pan with rolls and spread with honey butter. When done, turn out onto a plate and serve as a blossom or wreath. May place a cup of honey butter in the center of the hole. The chicken batter, piecrust and rolls are two bread exchanges. Honey butter is one fat exchange. Diabetics may convert the pie to a diabetic recipe by sweetening the strawberries with a sugar alternative. Remember this menu can be served to honor any woman who has been an influence in your life. Next issue will have a menu suggestion to honor family or friends who are graduating.

Recipes are available upon request.
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