Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Suggested Menu:
Remembrance Grape Juice
Heavenly Golden Quiche’
With broccoli
Star of Wonder Cheese Toast
Fisherman Mold
Disciples/Followers Fruit Bowl
Cross Shaped Red Velvet Cake
With White Frosting
Empty Tomb Cookies

Tip: Decorate the table with Easter items. The Story of the Meal tells the story of Jesus and Easter. Begin the brunch by serving grape juice. Explain that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to teach people how to "abide in Him"-based on John 3:16. For those who believe in Jesus and ask Him into their lives, they will have everlasting life in Heaven as signified by the Heavenly Golden Quiche’. The green broccoli represents everlasting life. Jesus was born on a night when a special star shown brightly. The cheese toast in the shape of a star represents this wonderful event. Jesus grew from a baby to an adult who became a fisherman for the souls of mankind. This is signified by the salmon mold. Jesus had 12 special helpers and many followers who were all very different. The mixed bowl of fruit represents these. However, not everyone appreciated Christ’s message of God’s love. Even though He had never sinned, He was crucified on a cross where He bled and died. His love for mankind is represented by the red cake batter baked and cut into a cross shape. The white frosting represents His sinless life. Although He was buried in a cave-tomb, He did not remain dead-He arose! The egg white cookies indicate the empty tomb of Easter. The coffee represents the sin of the world while milk or whipped cream represents the addition of God’s love through Christ. You may make cross-shaped cookies or extra tomb cookies; place the cookies in tiny Easter food gift baskets as favors for guests. Christians often use eggs at Easter as a symbol for new life and fresh beginnings. Eggs may be removed from shells and shells may be colored and decorated. Punch a hole in each end of egg. Break the yolk with a toothpick and blow or empty the egg contents out. May use the eggs in scrambled eggs or quiche’. Dip shell in ¾ c. hot water, food coloring and 1 T. vinegar to color.
Food for Thought:
Just at sunrise…the angel said, "Are you looking for Jesus…He isn’t here…He has come back to life!" Mark 16: 2&6 LB
Family Meal Planning
Cholesterol is waxy fat found in animal proteins and manufactured in the body. There are two kinds of cholesterol-HDL and LDL. For healthy function of organs the body needs HDL. The higher the HDL the better the heart will function. When LDL is in excess it builds in the arteries and may lead to heart disease. The higher the level of LDL, the risk for coronary problems is greater. The way the cholesterol is utilized in the body may be inherited. Cholesterol is also obtained by the foods that are taken into the body. Diet and exercise help to maintain proper levels of both kinds. Read labels for cholesterol content.
Eggs are high in protein, Vitamins A and B and iron. Eggs should be refrigerated. Store eggs with large ends up. Cook eggs at low temperature to keep from losing nutrients. Avoid eating or tasting dishes with raw eggs that have not been coagulated with an acid like lemon juice or vinegar. Add vinegar to water when hard cooking eggs to prevent running out if shell is cracked. Avoid keeping hard cooked eggs out of refrigerator more that two or three hours. To crack eggs evenly, use the back of a table knife. Use egg separator to avoid breaking the yolk into the white. Whites do not whip with yolk. To hard cook eggs, bring water and eggs to boiling stage in glass or stainless steel pan, reduce heat and gently simmer eggs for 15-20 minutes. Remove and cool immediately under running water. This prevents the dark ring around the yolk. Decorate, if desire. Eggs are graded according to size. When buying eggs, if the difference in price is $.07 or more, purchase the larger grade. Color of shell makes no difference in nutritional value. Diabetics and other dieters may wish to use egg whites instead of whole eggs. Egg substitutes and powdered egg whites should be used with caution, since the sodium may be high in the product. Read labels carefully. Mixing 3 egg whites with ¼ c. skim milk, 1 T. dried milk, 1 T. olive or corn oil makes a heart healthy substitute. Use this mixture in diabetic recipes and for controlling cholesterol. Diabetics and other people with special food diets may wish to limit their egg intake to two per week.
From the Nutritionist: Christians enjoy sunrise worship services. An Easter brunch is an excellent opportunity to invite relatives and friends. Meal planners will find this menu quickly served after an early morning outing. Decorate grape juice glasses or punch cups with frosted sugar or sugar substitute. Ahead of time, moisten the rim of the glass or cup, dip in sugar or sugar substitute and place in freezer. Chill juice. Guests will enjoy sipping juice while the quiche’ is baking/warming. Make the salmon mold ahead of time. Cut the bread and cheese in star shapes ahead of time and toast just as you wait for quiche’. Serve the fruit with the cake and cookies. Diabetics will find fruit salad wholesome. Cooking Empty Tomb cookies is easy; heat oven to 400 degrees and turn off heat; whipped egg whites are mounded by teaspoons onto cookie sheet and placed in the previously heated oven overnight. The cross-shaped cake can be made ahead of time. The recipe may be converted to a diabetic recipe by omitting sugar or substituting the sugar with sugar free alternate. One serving of coffee cake is one bread exchange. Have plenty of hot milk and coffee for espresso. The meal contains vitamins and minerals in the juice, broccoli and fruit. Protein is in the, fish, cheese and eggs. Carbohydrates are found in the cake and bread. Each piece is 1 bread exchange. Happy Easter brunch!!!!
Recipes are available upon request.


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