Menus for Preschool Programs
Preschoolers and children should be taught about proper nutrition at an early age. They love to use their sensorimotor skills to taste and smell of foods. They can learn about nutritious foods through games, tasting, smelling foods and measuring and pouring of ingredients. Talk about how good the food will taste as it is prepared and how good it is for strong bones, teeth, etc. They also learn by sharing their food as gifts to others.
Food for Thought:
Anyone who humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:4 LB
Family Meal Planning
Eating Well for Wellness
Many homes have licensed day cares that provide meals for children. These suggested menus may be helpful in planning balanced nutrition for a week. It can also be helpful to a busy preschool family meal planner who wants to provide balanced meals and snacks for the preschooler.
From the Nutritionist: Menus for preschool programs for one week:
Menus For Preschool Programs
Week 1
Day: AM Snack/ Lunch /PM Snack
Monday: Cereal, Milk/ Chicken nuggets, mixed Vegetables,
Applesauce, Bread, Milk /Graham crackers, milk
Tuesday: French Toast, syrup, milk/ Hamburger, bun,lettuce,Tatar Tots,
Food for Thought:
Anyone who humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:4 LB
Family Meal Planning
Eating Well for Wellness
Many homes have licensed day cares that provide meals for children. These suggested menus may be helpful in planning balanced nutrition for a week. It can also be helpful to a busy preschool family meal planner who wants to provide balanced meals and snacks for the preschooler.
From the Nutritionist: Menus for preschool programs for one week:
Menus For Preschool Programs
Week 1
Day: AM Snack/ Lunch /PM Snack
Monday: Cereal, Milk/ Chicken nuggets, mixed Vegetables,
Applesauce, Bread, Milk /Graham crackers, milk
Tuesday: French Toast, syrup, milk/ Hamburger, bun,lettuce,Tatar Tots,
Peaches, Milk /applesauce, Fruit juice
Wednesday: Granola Bars, apple juice/ Ham Sandwich, Green peas,
Pineapple, Milk/ banana ice cream, milk
Thursday: Blueberry pancakes, syrup, milk/ Spaghetti/Meat Sauce, Broccoli, dip,
Fruit Cocktail, Milk/ cheese puffs, grape juice
Friday: Pigs in a Blanket, grape juice/ Grilled Chees, Vegetable soup, Pears,
Milk /Fruit jello, milk
Recipes are available upon request.
Comments and questions are welcomed.
Please share this web site with a friend.
Recipes are found in Callaway Cookin’.
Wednesday: Granola Bars, apple juice/ Ham Sandwich, Green peas,
Pineapple, Milk/ banana ice cream, milk
Thursday: Blueberry pancakes, syrup, milk/ Spaghetti/Meat Sauce, Broccoli, dip,
Fruit Cocktail, Milk/ cheese puffs, grape juice
Friday: Pigs in a Blanket, grape juice/ Grilled Chees, Vegetable soup, Pears,
Milk /Fruit jello, milk
Recipes are available upon request.
Comments and questions are welcomed.
Please share this web site with a friend.
Recipes are found in Callaway Cookin’.