Meals with a Message

Monday, October 23, 2006

Fall Meal with E-coli Information

Meals With A Message
Suggested Menu
Ham and Potato Casserole
Turnip Greens
Sliced Tomatoes
Corn Bread
Apple Pudding

Tip: Use fall leaves to decorate table for this fall meal.
Food for Thought: God told him: “All animals, birds and fish… I have placed them in your power and they are yours to use for food, in addition to grain and vegetables.
Genesis 9:3 LB
Family Meal Planning
Eating Well for Wellness
E-Coli and Other microorganisms
Our bodies have many microorganisms that are infectious passed to other people. Fecal waste removes some of the microorganisms. When the waste products, come in contact with a food supply it may become dangerous to the consumer. One primary example is e-coli. E-coli lives in the intestines of animals and people. When waste containing these microorganisms touches our food sources it contaminates the product. As people eat the contaminated food, they may become sick and may even die. Microorganisms are killed with extreme high temperatures. If food is boiled for at least three minutes, harmful microorganisms are usually killed. Botulism is another problem associated with vegetables. When vegetables and meats are thoroughly cooked, there is less risk to eating harmful bacteria. All meats should be cooked until the juices run clear and test done. Although pork producers have encouraged people to cook rare like beef because of cleaner waste conditions, sausage and pork products should be cooked to complete doneness. Chickens should be soaked in salt water and rinsed before cooking. Even uncooked juices may cause health problems. Always boil vegetable juices before giving to children and elderly people. Since it is easy to loose Vitamin C with cooking, fruit juices that can be peeled, may be safer uncooked. One of the safest methods for meats and vegetables is cooking with a pressure saucepan. In this type of pan, temperatures become hot enough to kill bacteria. Green leafy vegetables like turnips greens and spinach should be washed in cool salty water and rinsed thoroughly. They should be cooked at least 3-5 minutes. Salad greens should be rinsed in salt water even if pre-packaged. Contrary to popular belief, vinegar does not kill harmful microorganisms.
From the Nutritionist: Meal planners may want to add turnip greens to the menu because they are plentiful in the farmers’ markets presently. Be sure to clean and cook them to kill any microorganisms that may be lurking on the leaves. Chop some cooked ham and add to a potato casserole. Wash fresh tomatoes in salt water and peel and slice. Just add corn bread and you have a delicious meal. The greens and tomatoes provide Vitamins A & C. Ham provides the protein. Use yogurt while making the chocolate pudding for a nutritious dessert. Diabetics may make dessert with sugar substitute or omit from the meal. Happy fall eating!
Recipes are available upon request.
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